Email: Catmail, Microsoft Outlook


Microsoft 365-based email accounts for OHIO students, faculty, staff, and alumni who graduated after 2000. 


Who can access

  • Current applicants, employees, and retirees

  • Enrolled undergraduate and graduate students

  • Emeriti and alumni who graduated after 2000

  • Sponsored guest accounts

    • Sponsor must request email access

How to request access

  • No request is needed. 该服务将根据您在大学中的角色自动启用.


Connect with other applications

Platform Needed

  • PC and Mac

    • Outlook 2016 or newer

    • Mac Mail and Calendar built-in apps: Mac OS 10.14 (Mojave) or higher

  • Mobile Applications

    • Outlook App: iOS and Android

    • iOS Mail and Calendar built-in apps: iOS 11 or newer

Additional resources

Service support

Get help

  • Visit the Technology Help Center ( to get live support, view outages, and browse trainings.



newbb电子平台努力使其数字资源和服务对所有访客开放, 包括那些可能也在使用辅助技术的残疾人. 如果需要采取特殊步骤以改善最终用户体验的可访问性, those steps must be taken. 
如果您遇到障碍,影响您访问俄亥俄州网站的能力, videos, online forums, documents, or other information technology, please let us know


Security Features: Catmail

Catmail包括先进的安全功能,以保护您和大学免受网络钓鱼诈骗, malware, and accidental disclosure of sensitive data.

Advanced Threat Protection

External Sender Warning

当你收到一封来自外部发件人(俄亥俄州以外的任何人)的电子邮件.edu), the email will include a yellow banner at the top, 警告您在点击链接或打开附件时要格外小心. The warning is designed to reduce phishing attacks, which are fraudulent emails, often designed to look like official University communication, 诱骗用户泄露敏感信息或打开安装恶意软件的附件.

一条用黄色突出显示的信息写道:“注意:此信息是从newbb电子平台外发送的。. 请谨慎点击链接或打开此邮件中的附件.

Reporting Phishing

When you receive a suspicious email, 您可以直接从电子邮件newbb电子程序中将其报告为潜在的网络钓鱼攻击. 报告的网络钓鱼和垃圾邮件被发送到OIT和微软, 在哪里审查它们以提高垃圾邮件过滤器的有效性. 

Catmail (Outlook on Web)用户可以使用“垃圾邮件”下拉菜单并选择“网络钓鱼”来举报可疑电子邮件:

A dropdown menu with the following options: Junk, Phishing, Block

Outlook桌面用户会在屏幕顶部的Outlook Ribbon中发现一个“报告消息”按钮:


To report suspicious emails on Outlook for iOS, iPadOS, or Android, 点击右上角的三个小圆点,点击“报告信息”图标:

iOS: Android:

来自iOS的截图,右上角有三个红圈点和一个数字1, then a report junk icon circled in red and a number two

来自Android的截图,右上角有三个红圈的点和一个数字1, then a report junk icon circled in red and a number two



When you click a link in an email message, SafeLinks 使用一个自动的微软服务来验证链接的目的地是不是恶意的. If the link appears to be malicious, 该服务将显示一个警告,并阻止链接的网站加载. 如果你使用的是Outlook,你可以把鼠标移到安全链接的实际目的地. If this does not work, or if you are checking your mail from a non-standard email client, you can use our SafeLinks decoder (OHIO login required) to view a link's destination. 

Safe Attachments

When someone sends you an attachment, Safe Attachments 是否会使用机器学习和分析技术扫描该消息和附件以检测恶意内容. 交付可能会延迟几分钟,以便进行扫描. If a malicious attachment is detected, the attachment will be removed, and a substitute text file named “Malware Alert Text.txt” will appear in its place. If you believe an attachment was removed by error, contact the IT Service Desk.

Screen shot: Malware warning text file

Data Loss Prevention

电子邮件不是与外部各方共享敏感数据的合适方法. 为了减少通过电子邮件泄露敏感数据的可能性,newbb电子平台启用了 Microsoft 365 Data Loss Prevention (DLP) for Catmail. Automated DLP scans can help reduce the risk of distributing sensitive data; however, it is still your responsibility to handle that data appropriately.

Respecting privacy - DLP scanning is automated. 只有当DLP将消息标记为包含大量敏感数据时,信息安全分析师才会访问该消息的副本. 

What to expect: Social Security numbers

如果DLP检测到外发电子邮件中的一个或多个社会安全号码, 该服务将阻止该消息并通知发送方该问题, either with a Policy Tip or through a rejection message.

In Outlook on the Web or Outlook for Windows, 一个策略提示将出现在您的窗口顶部,让您知道您的邮件似乎包含敏感数据,并让您选择报告“误报”.' If you press Send, the message will be rejected. 

On Outlook for Mac and mobile apps, the Policy Tip will not appear, but the message still will be rejected if you try to send it.  

To report a false positive, forward the rejection message to the IT Service Desk for assistance.

Report false positives of SSN Blocking via Web Outlook (Catmail)

Outlook on the Web

通过Outlook Desktop Client发送电子邮件前的SSN阻止策略

Outlook for Windows

SSN Blocking bounceback email

Rejection "bounce" message

What to expect: other sensitive data

  1. 如果DLP检测到大量PII(个人身份信息)被发送到非俄亥俄州.,该服务将为信息安全办公室创建一份事件报告.

  2. 安全分析师将检查标记的数据,以确定是否发生了数据丢失.

  3. 如果匹配是假阳性,案件将结束,不需要进一步的行动.

  4. In the case of an actual data loss, normal incident response procedures will be followed, including disciplinary action if needed.

What to do if your message is blocked

如果您仍然需要通过电子邮件发送敏感信息,请 encrypt your document prior to sending it. 您可以对文档进行密码保护,并通过电话或面谈等其他通信形式安全地与收件人共享密码. 

The Ohio University Information Security Office 努力教育和授权大学社区适当地管理风险和保护俄亥俄的信息和系统. This effort is facilitated through policies, standards, and information security risk management programs, 以及提供给大学社区的其他工具和指导. 这种现代方法创造了一个安全的计算机环境,大学社区可以在其中进行教学, learn, and conduct research. 

For additional information about OHIO’s security resources, see:

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Service ID: 93
Thu 1/20/22 12:05 PM
Wed 11/22/23 12:50 PM